Tuesday, December 31, 2013

You wanna get healthy, huh?

I’M ALIVE. It’s been two months since my last post but I have somewhat good excuses. Like school, work, and just being lazy. 

Anyways with only 1 day left of the year 2013 everyone’s all about creating their new years resolutions and what not. Surprisingly I haven’t seen much activity on Facebook about it (thank god) but we all know everyone secretly has their own whether or not they actually talk about it publicly.

 Resolutions can vary from getting a better job, saving up for something big, visiting a foreign country or maybe as simple as keeping your hand out of that damn cookie jar. But changes don’t have to wait until the new year. They can begin whenever you want them to. But most people find it easier to begin a fresh start with a new year.

That last one was my resolution last year and as 2013 draws to a close I can proudly say I kept it! I’ve tried plenty of times in the past to eat healthy and all that but gave up after a few short months. But I’ve stuck with it for a full year and so now I want to share some tips to get started for those who have picked the same resolution. But don’t worry you can keep at least a finger in the cookie jar ;)

Start off slow. Change your eating first then introduce exercise at a later time or vice versa. I know this might sound weird because it goes against everything anyone has ever told you. Exercise and healthy eating HAVE to go together right? Well it’s partly true, but for someone who is just starting off it’s going to be scary and unknown. Pick one, research, experiment and get your feet in the ground before taking on another challenge. I think I failed in the past because I tried too much too fast and then gave up. If you’re used to eating “junk” food and not working out and then come January 1st your signed up for a fancy gym and have vegetables you’ve never heard of in the fridge, it’s going to be intimidating.

When I started I just swapped my junk food for a healthier alternative and went from there. After about a month I introduced exercise in the form of just jogging around my neighborhood. Now a year later I know what to eat, what I like/don’t like to eat, and lift weights with the meatheads in the gym. You learn a lot about yourself so don’t be afraid to take it slow.

Don’t force yourself to do anything you don’t want to do. Simple as that. You don’t like asparagus? Then don’t eat it. I don’t, I can’t stand the stuff. You don’t like running? That’s okay. There’s plenty of other stuff out there you can try. If someone is telling you that you HAVE to eat asparagus and run everyday in order to be healthy then punch them in the face…okay not really but you get the point. There is not just one way to be healthy and no one should tell you how to be your kind of healthy.

Treat yourself. I believe the biggest mistake someone can make is cutting out everything they love to eat when they “diet”. I did it and it just made me binge harder on my cheat meals. Now instead of cheats I call them treats and I have them everyday. You like chocolate? Then eat it. Just in moderation. I guarantee that if you treat yourself you will stay on track easier and longer. I don’t care who you are, eating carrot sticks and grilled chicken everyday is not fun. And trust me, eating a bowl of ice cream isn’t going to make you gain 5 lbs overnight. It’s all about finding a balance between eating more healthy foods along with treat food that you love.

Find your thing.  Find that one thing that motivates you. It could be that dress that sits in your closet or maybe revenge for people who didn’t think you could do it. Or you want to be able to run a 5k, a half marathon or what the hell even a full marathon! The sky is the limit. If your trying to get healthy/lose weight because someone told you needed to then your not doing it for the right reasons. You are the best form of motivation. You decide whether you get out of bed in the morning or what direction you go in life. So pick something that drives you everyday.

Rid yourself of negativity. If you have friends in your life that constantly put you down, or talk badly about you behind your back, they shouldn’t be called your friends. This goes for family too. I’m still learning to do this myself. I know it’s hard to let someone go, especially if they’ve been a large part of your life, but if how they treat themselves and others shouldn’t be a reflection onto you. Your friends and family shouldn’t be a burden on your shoulders to carry. Worry about yourself and be a little selfish.

Be selfish. This goes a little bit with the previous one. In order to get yourself on track you have to let people know that sometimes you have to come first. If you have plans to go the gym after school but your friend wants you to go shopping it’s your choice what you do. You could skip the gym and try again tomorrow but what if the same thing happens? Just tell your friend that you’ll meet up with them after you go to the gym. You have to make time for yourself in order to improve yourself.

Surround yourself with positive people. Same with #4 as well. Trust me, its A LOT easier to get healthy when your friends and family are the same way. You have someone to talk to about it, get advise from, and even work out together. You need positive people in your life that believe that you can do it and will help you right next to you. Plan hiking trips, go the Grand Canyon, take a walk, go camping, or even try Crossfit together. It’s a learning experience that you can share with the people you love.

Don’t stress. Life gets busy and sometimes no matter how hard you try you just can’t catch a break. Don’t stress if you cant make it to the gym or plan your meals, get some sleep and try again the next day.

Don’t ever ever give up.  Plain and simple. 

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