I used to be this way. When I made the switch to "clean eating" I cut out EVERYTHING I came to love, which is not easy not matter what someone tells you. But I did, and for a few months actually. I lost a good amount of weight in a short amount of time but that's not because my body knew the difference between the good and bad foods, it's simply because I was eating fewer calories than before. Going from a high caloric diet of taco bell, pop tarts and cereal to veggies, fruits and lean meats will do that to you.
Cut to a few months later on a trip to Vegas where I'm surrounded by quick cheap meals and I'm out of my kitchen where I'm able to cook my nutritional foods. I was on the mind set of "I'm on vacation so I'm going to eat whatever I want", which is what everyone should do, it's vacation. But I went crazzzzzzzzy. Like eating tons and tons of all my favorite foods that I missed. It was like a recovering alcoholic going to a wine tasting party. And then when I got back from vacation I couldn't get back on track no matter how hard I tried. I would start off eating really healthy and then when dinner hit all my cravings would flood me and I couldn't say no to "bad foods" anymore. One night I found myself hunched over a carton of ice cream shoving scoops into my mouth, and I couldn't stop! Not a pretty image I know, just trying to be honest. And I know everyone has had this happen to them before. Well cut to a few months later over summer and I managed to gain back all the weight I worked so hard to get off and keep off. I found myself looking in the mirror soooo depressed and mad at myself for what I let myself do. Like I was lying in bed one night completely hating everything I was, how could I let myself go? It also didn't help that I was following tons of fitspo's on instragram that were in killer shape and were constantly telling me that what I was eating was BAD.
After I came back from Disneyland I decided it was time to cut the shit and find something that made me happy AND healthy. My all time favorite fitspo recently made the switch to IIFYM (talked about it 1 post back) who also suffered from keeping a healthy body image. I made the switch and I haven't been happier! And I'm not just saying that for the sake of saying it, I am happier in my skin and better yet I have a healthy relationship with food which is SO important.
Why exactly?? It is all about BALANCE and MODERATION. I'm tired of people saying that you need to cut out everything you love in order to be healthy. I'm tired of people standing over others proclaiming that eating "clean" is the only way to go. And yes that used to be me I will fully admit, but not anymore. It's about incorporating wholesome foods while still enjoying a treat here and there or even every day (as I have been doing). How exactly?? Well if you read my previous post about IIFYM where I explain what it means, it's all about meeting my macro goals and not worrying about whether a food is good or bad. Like I mentioned before, all foods are made up of a macro ratio, which are carbs, protein, fat and then micro nutrients, which are your vitamins and minerals. Everyday I eat 200 grams of Carbs, 50 grams of Fat and 125 grams of Protein. Yes, you saw that right, a whole 200 grams of carbs.
So how can I fit in naughty yummy delicious foods without gaining weight? Well since I'm eating the same amount of macros each day, my body get's accustomed to this information, which thus increasing my metabolism and my body's will to burn fat. It's bro science. So say I've met my 125g protein goal for the day, but I have roughly 20g of carbs and 5g of fat left and I need to fulfill them. A diet where I need to eat? Yes please. Well guess what? A 1/2 cup of reduced fat Dreyers mint chocolate chip ice cream has 17g of carbs and 4.5g of fat in it. I EAT THAT SHIT because it fits my macros. Which I have been doing for the past 5 nights ;) Let me be an example and just say that you don't have to deprive yourself of the foods you love because they are viewed as bad. If you want that damn cookie, then eat it, or I will
It may seem taxing to have to put in every single thing I eat into consideration, but don't clean eaters do the same? Yeah I have to input everything I eat into Myfitnesspal to figure out my macros and meals for the day, but I love doing it. I look forward to doing it. It fascinates me to see the ratio amounts of the foods I eat. And that is how it should be. Let me say that I have nothing wrong with eating clean all the time and I'm not trying to put you down if you do or follow a different diet, I'm saying there is so much more out there than what is being perceived as healthy.
And let me finish by saying that you should only do it because it makes YOU happy and no one else. I don't eat this way because someone told me I need to, or I want to look like a certain actress, I do it because it makes me feel good. Life is too short to be stuffing your face with salad day in and day out because you're trying to fit your body into society's stereotypes of what a body should look like. I was unhappy and finding something that I actually enjoy has made me so much more happier in life! Happy mind=Healthy life.
Donuts also make me happy :)
Great post! We may eat differently but I completely respect everything you just said! Many people I'm sure think the way I eat is crazy but it's all about what feels right to YOU. For me, I noticed carbs make me gain quickly and make me feel like shit. Like my body seriously can not process them....so I eat very little of them. Others it doesn't effect as much...again it's about finding the eating lifestyle that works best for you. I wish people would take more time to find a lifestyle of eating that works for them with experimentation than focusing on criticizing how others eat or just jumping on a bandwagon. I too watch my macros but just have different ratios than you
ReplyDeleteIt was also incredibly refreshing to see someone that isn't a Low Carber like myself acknowledge that sugar is sugar. So many people don't get that lol That's why people are so confused by the fact that I don't eat alot of fruit. Like a banana is comparable to a cookie....it's ok if you eat it....but realize it's still full of sugar and will spike your blood sugar the same way a cookie will. So like you said....then eat the damn cookie if you can lol I just don't because of how I feel. You stated it perfectly that your body doesn't know what kind of food it is...it's all the same to your system when the sugar hits.
And another point about doing what works best for you. Obviously for you flexibility works best for you so you don't seem deprived. I on the other hand like it to be sort of black and white. I like knowing I can eat this...and not eat this. Simple and keeps me in check. Again to each their own. We both are happy and healthy right? I don't get why people feel the need to criticize other peoples decisions.
I of course have my cheats....I am human. But the crappy feeling the day after gets me back to normal quickly....most of the time lol Holidays are hard...I gained ALOT last year and am hoping to have more self control this year. All I can do is try =)
So again, kudos on the post! Keep it up my healthy sista! ;)
Aw yay I’m glad you decided to rewrite your novel! haha. I LOVE hearing everyones different perspective when it comes to health, like we both say there isn’t just one way! And I know what you mean about people thinking you’re crazy.. I haven’t gotten it yet but the people who I know who do IIFYM get crap all the time from followers about what or how they are eating is “wrong.”. Like they are basing their judgment off of a healthy bible or something. And I’m also happy that you get the whole “food is food” thing because a lot of people don’t. Our bodies only recognize a food for its caloric amount/macro count and not if it’s good or bad. I just wish I found this way of eating a long time ago, before gaining all my weight back from a summer of binge eating lol. Oh and btw I read ALL your blog posts as well!
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading! We bloggers have to help each other out. lol I'm hitting the g+ on all your posts. It helps move you up on google search engines the more you get. I shamelessly hit them on my own posts hahaha