Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Exactly a year ago I took a picture of me wearing a bikini in front of this big square mirror at my mom’s house and I remember thinking to myself at the time “I wonder what I’ll look like in a year.” I also remember feeling disappointed in how I looked when I studied the picture of myself that reflected back at me. Disappointed. The picture was quickly stuffed away in my phone but the thoughts that I carried afterwards weren’t forgotten so easily.

But this wasn’t just any square mirror that I would nonchalant take a selfie in.  It was the mirror that hung to the left of the spiral staircase I grew accustomed to glancing at whenever I walked downstairs from my room and into the kitchen. It was a ritual I took part from the time I was a young 14-year-old teenager to a 21-year-old young adult right before I moved out on my own.  But even when I came to my parents to visit, I still found myself stealing looks from the mirror as a descended down the staircase. Those stolen moments that I relied on so heavily to secure my self-confidence have stopped with the recent renovation of the downstairs living area. The mirror isn’t there anymore but like habit I can still find myself looking to the left to find my appearance staring back at me.

I’ve been thinking about that photo a lot the past few months and I want to reflect on the past year and talk about not only my outer transformation but how I’ve evolved on the inside. I started this journey in January of last year…you know the whole new year, new me thing? This time it actually stuck and I haven’t looked back since.  The past year and a half has been nothing but crazy between diving myself into school, moving out on my own, getting more serious about my career and on top of that finding out who I am. 

When I think about my intentions of wanting to get healthy and lose weight it was for all the wrong reasons. While I was honest quietly with myself that I really just wanted to look good in a tiny bikini rather than be healthy, I didn’t tell everyone else the truth. I want to be healthy, I said. When I really knew having abs and small legs was my real motivation. For a solid 6 months I was so fixated on losing weight that I wouldn’t budge from my self prescribed diet and exercise regime. Nick once offered me to take a bite of this Hawaiian bread roll that his best friend’s grandmother made but I said no. He told me to just try it, but to me at that time, that was an extra 20 calories that would suddenly appear on my tummy. I got mad at him for asking me. Don’t you see that I’m trying to be healthy? When I look back at that moment I can’t help but be embarrassed! How rude was I?? My sweet boyfriend was offering me to try something and all I could think about was how it was going to affect my appearance. Ridiculous. I would do an hour of cardio and then do an “ab check” in the mirror right after. Like suddenly the fat would just disappear from my body in an instant. And again I would feel disappointed in myself. Failure! You shouldn’t have eaten that. You should have done more cardio. You’ll be better tomorrow. While I was trying to approve my appearance I was reeking havoc on the inside. On my mentality. My sanity. That’s one thing they don’t tell you when you try to improve your apperance. That you’ll spend the next however long picking up pieces you leave behind. How did I become this person? This nasty person that cared more about what I ate that day than asking my boyfriend how his day of work went? I lost myself.

It all changed when I went to Vegas over the summer with a group of friends. A weekend away from responsibility, diets and hours of cardio. It’s vacation I can eat whatever I want, I said. And I did that. Lots of it. I remember feeling so full that I felt sick. Binged until I couldn’t walk anymore. But it’s vacation. When I came back it was hard to get back into the groove of things. I would eat extremely healthy Monday-Thursday and then when the weekend came around I would binge until I hated myself. By Monday I was telling myself that it’s a new week and I can try again. But it was a vicious cycle that couldn’t be stopped.

When August rolled around so did the start of a new semester at school and a second chance. I had been following quite a few fitness Instagrams at that point and noticed a lot of girls lifting and talking about the benefits of incorporating weights. I was fearful of the idea of stepping into the weight room with the guys but I wanted to give it a shot. I told myself the very first day of school I was going to step in there or I know I would regret it if I didn’t try. I actually stuck to my promise and again, I haven’t looked back. It’s amazing what lifting has given me! Not only have I filled out with new muscles I didn’t think were possible, but it has repaired my once damaged idea of what my body should look like. My legs and arms were growing, my stomach was actually shrinking and I was getting stronger. But while I had a new outlook on body image, I still had a broken relationship with food.

I tried different things, different diets but through all of it I found IIFYM, which I’ve talked about before. It helped me find myself again. It showed me that food can be enjoyable, while still fueling my body with vital nutrients that I need. But I still found myself binging on foods that I loved. Failure. Going over on my macro count for that day. Failure.

Where am I now? Well I’m still learning about myself, that’s for sure. I still have my moments where I binge until I feel sick and I still go crazy on vacation.  But that’s life. And I’m going to tell you it’s okay to have a full pint of Ben & Jerrys when you’re sad or just when you freakin feel like it. It’s okay to eat Froyo when you’re out with friends or have a bag of popcorn when you’re watching that movie you’ve been dying to see. But I’m also going to tell you that it’s important to eat veggies even when you don’t like them and get your fill of fiber in. Let me tell you I hate veggies but I make sure I eat them because they carry vital vitamins your body needs. And I’m still trying to find a balance between eating for my health and eating for my sanity. You can find me eating carrots one minute and the next with a donut in my hand. And I think that’s how it should be. I know I’ll never have a 6 pack, or small thighs but that’s okay because I don’t crave those things anymore. I also wouldn’t go back to that dark place where I would sacrafice my mental health for either one. Oh and I also really love donuts and candy. Like a lot.

So where is that picture in front the mirror? I can’t find it. Not kidding you. I was actually going to use it to compare to what my body looks like now. How I am 14 pounds heavier than I was at my lowest and unhealthy weight. But you know what? I’m kinda glad I couldn’t find it. It’s better not to compare a picture from a whole year ago that doesn’t measure how I felt and grew on the inside. I know some people don’t care about this stuff, which is why my blog has been silent and why I don’t post nearly as much about it on my own Instagram. But talking about healthy and selve love makes me happy and from now on it’s time to be a little more selfish.

So I’m going to leave this “selfie” of my body in all it’s glory right here. Because I’m damn proud where I’ve been and where I’ve gone. I’m not wearing much makeup. I’m not flexing, sucking in, or added filters to make it look better. It’s just me, raw, just standing there. I don’t think I should be ashamed of being proud of my body, or being proud of myself and I don’t think you should be either. Be proud of your acomplishments even when you think no one cares. If I could change one person, that would be enough for me. (ps. I ate 2 cookies before taking this ;))

So my advice to you? Don’t find yourself being one of those people that “counts calories” or skips breakfast to eat ice cream later. Like the saying goes, you can have your cake and eat it too. When you starve your body of the calories it needs to survive you will be in a calorie deficient. Yeah, you’ll lose weight but you’ll also lose your metabolism along with it. I eat A LOT of carbs but it’s because I can and I know what works for my body. I work at an active job teaching swim lessons for 5 hours where I’m constantly moving and lift heavy during my workouts. Figure out what your body needs and FEED IT. Don’t jump on some bangwagon of a weight loss program because it promises you you’ll be 15 pounds lighter in 12 weeks! Everyone’s body is different, woman or man. I want to grab every single person, espeically young girls, that really believe they need to starve themselves, shake them, and tell them to stop! Eat, lift, run, laugh, cry and grow your heart and your mind.

When will the self injury stop? To be honest, probably never. You’re meant to make mistakes from life. It’s never going to be perfect and whoever tells you it will be is straight bullshitting you. I follow a few fitspos that claim they are 110% with their meals and never miss a workout and that may be true but it isn’t normal for normal everyday people. Having a roll of belly fat is normal. Having cellulite on your thighs is normal. Craving a donut is completely freaking normal. And don’t let anyone tell you different. Don’t starve! Don’t hate yourself! Don’t call yourself a failure. Don’t tell yourself you could have done better. LOVE YOURSELF. Tell your pretty little self how sexy you are. How beautiful you are. How gorgeous your hips and your butt are. Notice the curve of your back, the round of your legs and the strength in your presence. Tell yourself how smart you are! How responsible, funny, witty and caring you are. Love the things you make yourself believe are your faults. They aren’t going away, so love them and love you!

And when in doubt, always do the donut.

This blog post below is from a fellow blogger that was posted today that actually got me moving to write again. Read it!


Below are some women inspirations that have really helped me along the way. They are strong, confident and are all about lady power!

