Thursday, January 23, 2014

Myths about fitness

Recently I’ve been noticing a lot of stupid questions/statements about health/fitness being thrown around towards popular fitness accounts on Instagram. You know the type of questions that make you question the stability of human intelligence these days. Or the kind where you want to reach through the phone and shake the crap out of these people. Like do you not know what Google is? What about the Internet? Because you surely cannot be asking that right now. Some just make me giggle to myself. Don’t get me wrong. I’m defiantly not making fun of people who just started out and simply don’t know what the hell they are doing. I was there and I’m still learning everyday. Even after researching and looking at videos it can be hard to answer your question because it could have multiple answers or be specific to your goal. I’m talking about people who are just asking for it.

So in honor of those people I come across I’m going to write a blog post dedicated to them. Common myths about fitness.

“You can’t build a butt. You have to wear butt pads.”
 Hahaha. This is my favorite one, which is why I’m talking about it first. I follow Snooki on Instagram and after having Lorenzo she really got into fitness. She posted a video this morning of her doing a front squat and that was one of the comments from a man. I’ve also heard this in other situations from females, which are usually the most conscious of their butts. “I like big butts I cannot lie, you otha brothas can’t deny…..”

Warning: NOT ME. Just some pic I pulled off the interwebz. My mom reads this...

There are many theories out there to how exactly this happens, but I’m going to try to explain this in simple terms. Your butt is a muscle. During heavy resistance training (lifting) the glutes break down and afterwards new muscle fibers go into action to repair the existing muscle. Thus, making the muscle bigger. I’m a prime example of this. I have the genetic condition known as “pancake ass.” But since lifting I have seen the cure! My butt doesn’t go numb within 5 seconds of sitting down. Other sufferers can relate. I see a notable difference through progress pictures I take. So don’t worry! You have a chance to be someone’s birthday wish! “All I want for my birthday is a big booty h….”.

Below is your big booty prescription that you can take the next time you visit the gym or even at home. Courtesy of

I have a love hate relationship with squats but I do them because they are the go-to exercise for your glutes. You can do them without weights but I highly encourage doing weighted squats. I know it can be intimidating to step up to the squat rack so instead try holding dumbbells at your sides or use the smith machine. But make sure you form is right. Back straight, feet shoulder length apart, press with your heels, and don’t slouch.

Leg press
The leg press is great if you don’t feel comfortable doing squats. Place your feet shoulder length apart, let your legs down until they are at a 90 degree angle and then press up. Again press with your heels not with your toes!

Love love love dealifts. Ultimate total body exercise but really great for your glutes and hamstrings. I suggest watching TONS of videos before attempting these because if you don’t have proper form you will throw your back out. If you’re doing conventional deadlifts your feet should be shoulder length apart, hands on the bar outside of your legs, chest up, back straight, butt down and press with your heels. If you don’t want to do barbell squats you can do them with dumbbells. Proper form still as important.

“Can you show an inner thigh exercise to help get a thigh gap?”

First of all, NO ONE SHOULD EVER TRY TO ACHIEVE A THIGH GAP. Yes, people have it naturally, women and men, but it’s a whole other thing to try to acquire one. No matter how skinny someone can get, there is a possibility they won’t even have it. It’s based off of genetics and how wide your pelvis is. If you have wide hips you are more likely prone to having a natural occurring thigh gap because wide hips separate the legs more causing them not to touch. If you have small hips you won’t have one.
I’ve seen countless girls asking this question or expressing that they want a thigh gap. A non-natural occurring thigh gap is not healthy. And it’s not a reflection of being healthy or fit. How many times do I have to say it? Strive to be strong not skinny. Don’t try to achieve something that will put your health as risk if you don’t naturally have it.

Second. You can’t spot reduce. I mean have you ever heard of someone only loosing inches in their inner thighs? Or “inner thigh day!” Probably not. I see girls alllllllll the time that sit on the hip abductor/abduction machine, or what I call the gyno machine, and will pump out 100 reps at 20 pounds and call it a day. 

Am I right or what? 

Sorry ladies but that won’t do anything for your “thigh gap”. You need a total leg workout to see any difference in your muscle tone or fat loss. See the exercises above.

“See results when you use our ab machine! Rock hard abs in a month guarantee!.”

How many times have you been awake a 3am and come across one of this ridiculous work out advertisements? The ones that promise you a 6 pack if you use their product? It’s even worse when I see a female who claims she just did the “ab challenge” or “just did 100 crunches”. I’m sorry to break the news to you but you’re not going to have abs if you don’t have a low body fat %. Yeah if you work out your abdominals you will gain muscle in that region but you won’t be able to see them. That is why you often see super fit women and men with abs and not the average joe (me). During competitions they have their body fat % under the double digits, or what they call being shredded. That is why naturally skinny individuals, without even trying have abs. That’s why I don’t really work out my abdominals because I have a layer of fat over them anyways. Plus, most exercises engages your core, especially heavy deadlifts and squats.

“Lifting weights will make you look like a man!”
Ahhh. Hmmm. Sorry just looking for a way to do this carefully…
Women have estrogen
Men have testosterone.
Women do not have testosterone.
So therefore we do not “look” like men. Also, men come in all shapes and sizes, just like women. A man can be 6’6” at a solid 200 pounds, while this other guy is 5’2” weighing in at 120 pounds. So which man do I look like? Ohh you’re referring to a man with muscles. Okay. You gotta be more specific here. So do you mean lean muscle? A lot of muscle? Little muscle? What did you say? BIG muscle. Hmmm. Like I said you gotta be specific because your statement “Lifting weights will make you will look like a man” is kinda broad here.

Like this?

Oh sorry my mistake. That’s a woman who lifts heavy but yet she still looks like a woman. Point made.

Ladies break the stereotypes! I promise you will not “look like a man” if you lift. It’s hard for woman to build muscle but when we do it accentuates our curves, tucks everything in and we buils definition. Kinda like when I say you can build a booty. Except for boobs. You can’t grow those. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Swap this> for that. (pt.1)

Refined Grains> Whole Grains

Refined grains (white rice, pasta bread and other products made with white flour)

During the refining process, however, the bran and germ (most nutritious) are removed from the whole grain.

Whole grains (Oats, brown rice, whole wheat bread, pasta and flour) contain concentrated amounts of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Both of these carbohydrates make a big difference in the way you metabolize food and in the amount of energy you have. Refined grains, such as white bread and pasta, are quickly digested into simple sugars and absorbed into your bloodstream, which causes blood-sugar levels to spike and then quickly crash. These can drain your energy and leave you feeling moody and tired. They may also stand in the way of weight loss because they are low in fiber and are not as filling as whole grains and are much easier to overeat.

High-quality carbohydrates such as whole grains are rich in fiber, which helps temper blood sugars by slowing the absorption of sugar into your bloodstream after meals. They provide long lasting energy that will keep you fueled for hours.

So in short pick foods are whole grain and high in fiber. Most foods that are whole grain are also high in protein. You don’t have to rid bread or pasta from your diet, just pick whole grains over refined grains. For example, instead of wonder bread, which is made with white flour, pick Nature’s Own 100% whole wheat bread that is high in protein and fiber.

Sour Cream > Greek Yogurt

Sour cream- It’s high in fat and low in protein. Just 2 tablespoons (30 grams) has 2.5 grams of fat, which isn’t all that bad until you start adding spoon full after spoon full. 

Plain 0% Greek Yogurt- Low fat and high in protein. A single serving container  (5.3 oz/150 grams) has NO fat and 15 grams of protein. And to me at least, it tastes exactly the same as sour cream. I add it to my typical Mexican foods, such as tacos, burritos and enchiladas. Don’t be afraid to try it! I know it may seem weird using yogurt but you won’t even be able to tell the difference.

Starbucks > Home Brewed Coffee

Starbucks- We all love Starbucks. It’s expensive, packed with sugar and caffeine, convenient and fast. It’s all American. But with that means added pounds and an empty wallet. A grand eggnog latte is a whopping 460 calories, with 21g of fat and 53g of carbs. Every now and then is fine, it fun to splurge and drive through Starbucks with the rest of America’s top consumers. But everyday and it turns into a problem. If you’re in a rush and can’t make your own coffee at home, Starbucks offers other alternatives like tea and iced coffee. Just make sure you say “NO SYRUP” or they will add it. Whenever I roll through I order an iced coffee with skim milk and 1 splenda.

Home Brewed Coffee- Although it will be expensive at first, with buying a coffee machine, coffee and creamer, it will save you tons of money over time. I buy the Starbucks Pikes Place Roast ground coffee for around 7 bucks and it lasts me a good 3 weeks with brewing coffee every morning. That’s how much you’ll spend on two days worth of Starbucks. Same with creamer. I go back and forth on what type of creamer I get, but with my new resolutions I still want to consume healthier alternatives when available. I recently got Coffee-Mates natural bliss creamer in cinnamon and surprisingly it’s very tasty and you don’t even have to add much. As you can see below it’s only 35 calories, 1.5g of fat and 5g of carbs per tbls.

Chips > Trail Mix

Chips- 28g (20 chips) are around 10g fat, 15g carbs and 2g protein, which add up when you add a good movie and comfy couch. I can easily eat a full sized bag of salt and vinegar chips by myself. Trail mix easily serves as a healthier alternative to this favorite snack.

Trail Mix- Although it is also high in fat like chips, it’s healthy fat. Yes, there is a different between the types of fat. For example, almonds, cashews and pistachios are all low calorie nuts that are high in heart-healthy monounsaturated fat and protein. But stick to varieties that are raw, and not roasted in hydrogenated oil and overly salted. The good thing about trail mix is that if you don’t see a brand that offers what you like you can make your own at places like Sprouts. You can even add treats like dark chocolate, which are high in antioxidants, and dried fruit. Making your own also guarantees that you won’t be eating processed, chemically added ingredients. Sprouts also offer bulk bins of a variety of premade trail mix if you don’t feel like making your own. I wasn’t able to look up their nutritional information so I’m including Planters trail mix as an example even though I wouldn’t recommend this because it does include processed and chemically added ingredients. But compared to Lay’s chips 28 grams has 9g fat, 13g carbs, 4g of protein. If you want higher protein/less carbs just subtract the chocolate and dried fruit and add more nuts and seeds.